Rotation 2.3 Winter, Akers

 I joke about the other families being hell, but this is the real deal. This. Two llamas, two baby llamas, two baby sims, one pregnant woman, and one man trying to keep it all together. Oh, and no money.

With the garden barren for winter I'm hoping things will get  a bit easier for the family. They can sell off the last of their produce and focus on the llamas. The biggest issue with selling their crops is that so many of the other families in town are also low on money.

What little money they have goes towards buying the girls something to sleep on. Things are so bad they don't even have one toy to share between them. They're just put in a non-hazardous environment with a bowl of llama food and left to fend for themselves.

The family is so poor off that both family sim parents fear having another baby. Well, it's coming nonetheless. 

Pat escapes to the bath house to restore his sanity and hygiene. As long as he stays away from the farm he does alright.

 I installed a mod that lets sims sell stuff directly from the inventory with a simple interaction, so Pat walks around town looking for suitable buyers. He finally manages to find one of my few townies and sells as much produce as he can to him. 

(Sorry about the decidedly non-victorian wallpaper. I forgot to redecorate.)

So far farming has been a lot of work and very little profit. I hope it just takes a while to get going and that it isn't completely financially nonviable.

They're forced to sell some of their own food supplies, but they finally manage to afford a few basic luxuries like an activity table for the girls. There's even room for two more to play in case they're cursed with another set of twins.

After that Patrick finally manages to sell the llamas! Rocky and Minty are gone, as is Rosemary. I didn't check her personality closely enough when they bought her and she's passing on her pigpen genes, which we can't have. But that's a neat 2k in the bank and enough to get a better breeding partner for Thyme.

If you're wondering why I'm so eager to get rid of them, look at that wreath of pee around the garden.

This is the genius I'm keeping.

In the middle of the night Daisy goes into labour again. I wish and hope and pray and make blood sacrifices that it isn't another set of twins. The girls still have ages to go before they're old enough to help out around the house. 

It isn't twins, thank goodness, just another girl whom they name Iris. 

Even though the winter has been hard on the entire family and they're worried about feeding the two girls they already have, Daisy can't help but feel joy at the arrival of her third child.

Then this happens.

"What's going on? Isn't she supposed to hand me the baby and have another one?"

No! because it's the death by childbirth mod kicking in! It had been so quiet that I thought I'd forgotten to install it, and I wasn't exactly in a hurry to fix that. 

"Please, please, pleeeeease don't take her from me! You don't know what it's like here! I can't take care of three girls on my own!"

Seeing the stinky kids on the floor with their dirty food bowls and nappies, even the Grim Reaper is moved to pity and gives the family another chance. Thank goodness!

Another nightmare scenario is taking place outside. It's the return of Rosemary! Apparently she missed Thyme because she came over on her own to say hello. Will I ever be rid of her? I probably should have named her something less ominous. 

A rare moment of peace. The children are fed, changed, and the non-stop sound of crying and buzzing flies has ceased. 

I should be trying to get Daisy pregnant again but I just can't. My own sanity is on the line here and they need a day to collect themselves. 

Mrs Meadowsweet drops by with season's greetings and to inquire about Mrs Akers after her near brush.

Pat tries to put on a brave face despite his own concerns and the realization of how close he came to losing his wife. 

But soon enough their short reprieve is over and it's back to business.

"Are you sure we should be doing this so soon after you nearly died?"

"Probably not, but the Watcher says we have to."

It's the rules, not me! 

I can't even imagine what women must have gone through knowing how dangerous child bearing was, and how many women died in the process. Especially if they'd had a bad experience already.

As soon as it's possible the twins age up to children. Neither one of them learned a single toddler skill and most of their life so far was a sad, stinking ordeal being abandoned on the floor with no human interaction except for each other. 

Lily is the oldest and she seems to take after Patrick the most. That is definitively his eyes and nose. She's a 7-10-1-7-1 Leo which is a very polarized personality (outgoing, lazy, and mean) and she rolled family/knowledge. The traits she inherited are bookworm and loves the heat, and she gets grumpy as her third.

Both her parents are nice so I don't know how she ended up so grumpy. Probably something in her formative years...

Rose takes after her mother and is rather pretty because of it. She's a 7-7-2-7-6 Capricorn, which aside from being lazy is a pretty well-balanced. She rolled romance/fortune which might actually help her land a husband if she plays her cards right. The traits she inherited are social butterfly and green thumb.  

Lily is a bit of a bully and starts the day off with tormenting her sister, but their early life has created a very strong bond between them and they get along well overall.

Lily brings Edith Coldwater home from school. The two of them could make good friends over their shared grumpiness, or their unconventional noses!

Meanwhile Iris grows up and becomes the new toddler in the household, and we'll see if she gets any more attention than her sisters did. Patrick rolled up a want to teach her to talk, so that's encouraging.

Daisy is pregnant again for the third time and everyone is crossing their fingers for a boy. The family was already rather close to coming to an end without an heir. Hopefully spring will restore some work, money, and sanity to the household.
