Roatation 2.1 Winter, Coldwater

 Ethel, perhaps the challenge's most successfully pregnant lady, goes into labour the first night. As you can see the house is in a state, and her timing means she's going to piss herself. I feel so bad for her.

But it's a boy! An heir for the family, with black hair and black eyes like his older sister. Ethel names him Andy as a short for Andrew.

"Can I put it down now?"

That face really says it all

Archie finds a treasure while digging. Thanks to the rules they can only keep §500 of it, but it's still a neat sum. The rest goes to Lord and Lady Ashbury who just got a nice Christmas gift. 

Edith grows up next to the food bowl that has sustained her through toddlerhood. 

She's a 7-7-4-4-4 (neat and outgoing and not much else) Aires, and she's going to be a fortune/knowledge sim. At this point I also random-roll for one trait each from her parents and she gets mooch and unflirty. The second one might make it difficult for her to find a husband, but we'll see.

I'm most happy that she inherited her dad's honker. I want to see that thing in every generation!

With Edith around to help with small chores like cleaning up, the house becomes a bit more sane again and the Coldwaters start to feel like a real family. I think it's partially because Ethel got a short breather between pregnancies. I honestly don't know if I can keep doing this. This challenge is really pushing me to the limits of sim-misery.

Archie had a very successful day at work. Even though football season is over, he got a sponsorship for men's sporting wear and a very lucrative 20k bonus! That's almost half of the 50k they need to advance to the next class. 

I also downloaded a mod that makes homework more difficult and I'm already regretting it. But I think it's for the best in the long run. It'll create more of a gap between the lower class sims and the wealthier ones who have nannies and governesses to help them. Archie spent some time helping Edith with her homework since she rolled up the want, but in the future he'll reserve his energy for the boys in the family. 

The kids only do their homework when they roll up a want for it or someone helps them, so I'm expecting a lot of bad grades. 

Another house rule I decided on was that sims are allowed to pick a job at the end of the season if it hasn't come up in the paper. With so few jobs available to each class, they could go forever without finding the right one. 

So Archie leaves his well-paying job in athletics and takes up a job in crime. Why work himself to the point of injury when he can use his quick with and hands instead?

Of course just after I did this I realized his LTW is to top Athletics so I should have let him do that for perma plat, but oh, well.

And that's the end of round 2 for the Coldwaters. Andy grows up just before spring and is a happier child for having his sister to play with.

They are just a few simoleans short of 25k which means they just might advance to the trade class this generation!
